What we’ll check this week:
Why do clients get mad? Great advice to freelancers
Don’t want to pay for MidJourney? There’s a worthy alternative.
Everyone wants you to talk with documents!
Do humans want to talk to humans?
Because of the “AI comes after our jobs” narrative, lately, I’ve been thinking about this “human interaction” aspect a lot. And I came across this post by Michale Janda:
It is correct that clients/humans want to be heard. They want you to be there when needed, even if things go sour. Or, Especially when things go sour.
After learning how to use Mid-Journey (I’m still learning), I really liked the results I got. But there’s a new AI in the town: https://leonardo.ai/
It’s in beta, and you must get invited to use it. But you’re not if you’re reading this. Here’s a little hack for you: go to https://app.leonardo.ai/ and choose Google as a login method. It’ll let you in. You’ll thank me later!
Talk file to me!
For some reason, lately, everyone wants us to talk to files. Google announced a new project, Tailwind: https://tailwind.withgoogle.com/
ChatGPT opened plugins to all of its Plus subs:
And there’re so many services that allow you to do the same thing: https://www.chatpdf.com/
It made me think 💭
This week’s info that made me think a lot is these fellows that make their dream come true without needing a team of people: